Phrasal verbs

Nello studio della lingua inglese prima o poi ogni studente incontra l’ostacolo dei Phrasal Verbs. Sono veramente molto numerosi e padroneggiarli (almeno i più diffusi) dà sicuramente una marcia in più al proprio inglese.

Con Phrasal Verbs si intende l’unione di un verbo ed una o più preposizioni o avverbi che così combinati assumono un significato completamente nuovo rispetto al verbo di origine.

Osserva il brano seguente:

Host: Hello! Enter!
Guest: Thank you. Just let me extinguish my cigarette.
Host: Sure.
Guest: Shall I remove my shoes?
Host: No, it’s all right. You can continue to wear them. How was the first week in your
new job?
Guest: Well, I have a very good relationship with my colleagues. But my new boss is
very mean.
Host: I see that you look a bit upset. But I have some news that will make you feel

Guest: Really?
Host: Yes. I unexpectedly found some photos of our holiday in Spain. Have a look.
Guest: Oh great. That will help me to stop feeling upset.

Ora sostituiamo le espressioni in grassetto con dei Phrasal Verbs:

Host: Hello! Come in!
Guest: Thank you. Just let me put out my cigarette.
Host: Sure.
Guest: Shall I take off my shoes?
Host: No, it’s all right. You can keep them on. How was the first week in your new job?
Guest: Well, I get on very well with my colleagues. But my new boss is very mean.
Host: I see that you look a bit upset. But I have some news that will cheer you up.
Guest: Really?
Host: Yes. I came across some photos of our holiday in Spain. Have a look.
Guest: Oh great. That will help me to calm down.

Decisamente diverso, no?

Ed allora dedicati anche tu allo studio dei Phrasal Verbs. UP Formazione ha preparato delle lezioni specifiche al riguardo, anche in base alla tematica che più interessa, vedi Phrasal Verbs nel business o nella vita quotidiana. Chiedi maggiori informazioni sui nostri corsi di inglese.